G e n e r a l   I n f o

- This is the (very) temporary site of Lindsey Vonsur, digital artist from Cleveland, Ohio.  I work in Photoshop, and have been doing so for 7 years -- in other words, since the ripe old age of 11.  I set this page up to hold me off until I get my full website up and running, which hopefully will be around late October or November at the latest.  Stay tuned.
- As far as genre goes, I find that I don't fall under any one category, but you could say I dabble in the dark side.  I like all things macabre.  All of my pieces have an element of darkness and drama to them. However, I'm obviously not limited to that, and per your request I can add a bit more sunshine into your commissioned piece.
- When it comes to full-color artwork, I prefer to work solely with digital media, but I suppose you could bribe me to do something with traditional media as well.  If I really like the concept, I may perhaps make an exception.  If that were the case, I work with mostly colored pencil and Copic markers.  I would send you the original piece by mail, unless stated otherwise.  If you do opt for a traditional piece, just keep in mind it will probably take much longer, and due to the use of supplies, cost a wee bit more. 


* I'm basing my prices mostly on the time and effort I know it'll take to complete the commission.  Even a sketch could take me a half hour at least.  So honestly, I'm keeping them really low for now, and I'll probably up the prices a bit when I get a bigger client base. 
* Prices stated are for one-character pieces.  For every additional character, add 50 cents. (Or if you want an animal included, add 25 cents)
* = example included

Digital Sketches
x Un-inked, un-colored.  I can put it over white, or any background color of your choice, as well as any line color. 
- *Portrait/bust, no background : $5
- Portrait/bust, w/ background: $5.50
- Half-body, no background:  $6
- Half-body, w/ background: $6.75
- Full body, no background: $7.50
- Full body, w/ background: $8.25
Digital Lineart
x Clean and detailed, in black ink on a white background unless stated otherwise.
- *Portrait/bust, no background : $5.50
- Portrait/bust, w/ background: $6
- Half-body, no background:  $7
- Half-body, w/ background: $7.75
- Full body, no background: $8.25
- Full body, w/ background: $9
Full-color works
All color works are fully inked and colored in Photoshop.

Digital Portraits
x Features the face and shoulders as the dominant subject, preferably created from a photo you send me.  But that's not required, of course.
- *Portrait, no background (white or solid color): $10
- *Portrait, simple background (any special effects or non-detailed scenery): $11
- Portrait, detailed background (landscapes, and so on): $11.75
* See "I Am Jack's Wasted Life", middle image on the top, as an example
x From the waist up, or everything but the legs.
- 1/2 body, no bg: $12
- *1/2 body, simple bg: $12.75
- 1/2 body, detailed bg: $14
* See "Ingredients for Joy" (left) and "The Midnight Oil" (right) as examples

Full body
x Head to toes
- Full body, no bg: $16
- Full body, simple bg: $17.25
- Full body, detailed bg:  $20+
  *   A detailed full body piece is as big as you can go, so naturally my rates for them are extremely varied.  That requires
a good description from you.  From your description I'll be able to estimate the time it will take from start to finish, and that's what I'll base the price on.  This is just for my own sanity's sake.  My absolute max for now would probably be $50, but I might start charging by the hour in the future.
Below are two pieces to help put it in perspective a bit.  They're very old and my style has changed a lot, but you get the point.  "A Sunday Stroll, 2050," left, is detailed, but not as mind-numbingly detailed as "Nightlife" on the right.  So I'd probably charge something in the ballpark of $35 for A Sunday Stroll (not including the added character prices), and $40ish for Nightlife.
Since I'm skilled at figure drawing and anatomy, I won't throw in any extra charges for crazy poses.  Nothing's going to be that big of a challenge for me at this point.  Knock on wood..


Like what you see so far?  Fabulous.  Before you order, here's some guidelines for what I will and won't do.

-Since there's not much I'm really not willing to do, I'll have to be fairly vague here.  As I said, I love anything creepy, fantasy, or comic-style.  For the most bang for your buck,  you should seriously consider my stylistic approaches before sending me your idea, at least for images for solely personal use. (Any type of illustration for a specific purpose is a bit different.)  Think about if your desired image would be a good fit for my dark/dramatic style.  I'm not saying that's all I'll do, but I can't lie, it's by far my favorite thing and will probably get bumped up a little higher on the list.  ;p
- I'm cool with pretty much any amount of violence.  However some of it may require quite a bit of detail (guts falling out, for example, would take some research on my part to get right.)  So I could tack on a couple cents or so if I feel it calls for that.
- I'm open-minded with sexual-themed images.  But let me make it very clear, I WILL NOT DRAW PORN.  There's a big difference between tasteful erotica and hard-core porn.  I draw the line at female genitalia, basically.  I don't mind a nice bedroom scene, but not with any "parts" showing in plain sight.  I love drawings that have a somewhat suggestive vibe, so subtlety is key.  Use your common sense.  If you're really not sure if your image falls into my jurisdiction or not, just ask.

WON'T: (tentative)
- I'm up for almost anything, but there's some stuff I just won't do for my own sanity.  Really, just nothing mundane.  Meaning, no still-lifes!  I got enough of those as an art student and I have no intention of doing one again... As with everything though, there are some subjects that I would be more willing to do.  Skulls are a good example. (not quite alive, yet still very interesting to look at!)
- Overly technical/mechanical stuff.  This is one area I just don't feel confident offering yet.  And given the insane amount of detail and careful consideration it takes to make these things realistic, my prices just won't cover it if I want to keep them low.  Because I'd probably have to hire an engineer to help me.

T H E  P R O C E S S

~ Form your idea in your head.  I'll be more than happy to throw out some suggestions too, once you tell me your basic concept.  I like to be very involved in my clients' creative process, so I can help pinpoint a color scheme or anything like that as well.
~ After we've got it all planned out, I'll probably ask for some pose references or descriptions if we haven't already covered that.  I've got a book full of them, so I could flip through it and show you some options as well (I know how hard it is to find the perfect pose online..)
~ Once you give me the green light, I'll get started.  For larger pieces that are a bit less concrete, I'll probably send you the incomplete sketch or a thumbnail first, for your approval.  For the really detailed pieces (ex: Nightlife from above), I will probably send you multiple works-in-progress, to ensure you catch anything that's not to your liking, before it's finished and impossible to fix.
~ The unveiling:  I'll send you a high-res copy of the image as a PNG file, without the big watermark in the middle (my signature will still be in there of course, and must NOT be removed for any reason unless you want to get into questionable legal territory.)   I may consider offering prints in the future, but right now I just don't have the resources.  But, as I've said with everything, I might make an exception if you really beg. >.<
~ I'll ask your permission to post the image on my official site and other online portfolios.  If you say no, I'll respect your decision.  If you say it's okay, I'll put that nice big watermark over it to scare away thieves, and state that it was a commissioned piece, not purely my own idea.

~ I accept Paypal or checks only.
~ For ALL commissions:  I require half up front.  This is just a good compromise and ensures neither of us is going to scam the other. 
~ For LARGE/DETAILED commissions:  If the price is over $25, I'll ask for a down payment of 30% up front.  The same concept from above applies; it's just for peace of mind purposes for both the client and myself. 

    Place your order! :D